Ancient Theatre of Philippi
Friday, July 12 – Saturday, July 13, at 21:30
This year, for the first time in many years, a performance destined for the Epidaurus Festival will start its journey from the 67th Philippi Festival, offering the residents of the wider area the pleasure of being the first to witness such a significant cultural event. Aristophanes’ “The Birds” will take flight from the Ancient Theater of Philippi.
After “The Persians” and “Prometheus Bound,” Aris Biniaris turns to ancient comedy for the first time.
What would happen if someone organized the birds to become the agents of a new reality?
In this iconic comedy, although the plot is fantastical, the theme is real and substantial: “The Birds” presents a new beginning that must occur outside human society, away from its saturation, decay, and corruption.
Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos and Giorgos Chrysostomou star as Pisthetaerus and Euelpides, alongside a stellar cast: Michalis Valasoglou, Stelios Iakovidis, Thanasis Isidorou, Tasos Korkos, Kostas Koronaios, Sofia Koulera, Avgoustinos Koumoulos, Maria Kyrozi, Errikos Miliaris, Marios Panagiotou, Kyriakos Salis, Alexia Sapranidou, Konstantina Takalou, and Eirini Tsellou. Together, they will attempt to establish their own ideal city in the skies, far from human society.
The story
Two friends, Pisthetaerus and Euelpides, disillusioned with the living conditions in their city, seek a new place where they can live in peace and joy. Their contact with the bird world gives them the idea to establish a new city in the sky, between earth and heaven.
As the construction of the city is progresses, uninvited visitors from the human world arrive, claiming unauthorised powers and privileges, while envoys of the gods of Olympus, disturbed by the challenge to divine sovereignty, protest as the new city prevents the smoke from sacrifices from reaching the sky.
Will Pisthetaerus and Euelpides, with the birds’ contribution, manage to complete the construction of Cloudcuckooland? How easy will it be to realise their own utopia?
The Performance
Aris Biniaris’ direction employs the element of ritual to highlight the allegorical dimensions of Aristophanes’ work. Music and movement focus on the human condition, transformation, and the restoration of cosmic justice.
With human civilization at a critical juncture, the flight of the birds resembles a ceremony of initiation and a reconnection of humans with the natural world, drawing upon the newfound power that emerges from this relationship.
Translation: Tasos Roussos
Direction: Aris Biniaris
Dramaturgical Editing – Adaptation: Elena Triantafyllopoulou – Aris Biniaris
Stage – Costume Design: Paris Mexis
Music Composition: Alexandros Drakos Ktistakis
Movement Direction: Alexandros Vardaxoglou
Lighting Design: Vangelis Mountrichas
Chorus Masks: Dimitra Kaisari
A’ Assistant Director: Nefeli Papanastasopoulou
B’ Assistant Director: Vangelis Prassas
Stage – Costume Design Assistant: Alegia Papageorgiou
Communication & Press Office: Maria Tsolaki
Advertisement – Social Media: Renegade Media
Production: Tehnihoros Theatrical Productions
Promo Photos: Mariza Kapsambeli
3D Graphics: Erifili Doukeli
Promo Video: Thomas Palyvos
Pisthetaerus: Odysseas Papaspiliopoulos
Euelpides: Giorgos Chrysostomou
|Epops: Kostas Koronaios
Oracle – Prometheus: Stelios Iakovidis
Poet – Iris: Konstantina Takalou
Meton – Heracles: Errikos Miliaris
Inspector – Poseidon: Marios Panagiotou
Informer: Thanasis Isidorou
Chorus: Michalis Valasoglou, Thanasis Isidorou, Tasos Korkos, Sofia Koulera, Avgoustinos Koumoulos, Maria Kirozi, Kyriakos Salis, Alexia Sapranidou, Irini Tsellou
~ In co-production with the Athens Epidaurus Festival ~
“The Birds” by Aristophane
Ancient Theatre of Philippi
Friday, July 12 – Saturday, July 13, at 21:30
Ticket prices: 23€ Regular // 20€ Student, Unemployed, Disabled, over 65 years old
Online pre-sale:
Kavala: Visitor Information Center of the Municipality of Kavala (formerly EOT), Central Square, tel: 2510-620566, open daily from 10:00 to 14:00 and from 18:00 to 21:00. On the day of the performance, tickets will be available for pre-sale at the ticket office of the Ancient Theater of Philippi from 19:30 in the evening.
Krinides: Café “Proskinio,” Ancient Theater of Philippi, tel. 2510516090
Drama: “Americanino 30” G. Papandreou 30, Tel. 2521058206
* Entry to the theater is prohibited after the performance begins.
** Once again this year, there will be a transportation option for spectators by a KTEL Kavala bus to and from the ancient theater of Philippi upon presentation of the respective theater performance ticket and a special fare of 4.00€. Departure from the KTEL of Kavala at 19:15 and return after the end of the performance.
For more information and seat reservations, you can call the offices of the Municipal and Regional Theater of Kavala at 2510-220876 during office hours.