ADDITIONAL PERFORMANCE ADDED “Cheetah. The goalkeeper’s solitude”

“Cheetah. The goalkeeper’s solitude”
by Vasilis Katsikonouris
directed by Ermina Kyriazi & Giorgos Ninios


Due to the high demand for tickets for all three days, an additional performance will be held on Saturday, 30th March at 18:00. Therefore, there will be a total of four performances.

Friday, 29th March |21:00|
Saturday, 30th March |18.00 & 21:00|
Sunday, 31st March |20:00|

“Cheetah. The goalkeeper’s solitude”

A story filled with humour and emotion, focusing on male loneliness and disappointment, yet imbued with a deep sense of dignity as a compass and a final victory in defiance of defeat and decay. Cheetah, a highly experienced veteran goalkeeper of the Greek National Team, gives an honest account of his long career, invited by a school to talk to children about the value of fair play and athletic ideals. On the occasion of World Sports Day, he recounts events and experiences from his life and career, gradually unraveling the thread of his existence, from glory, wealth, and the spotlight to nothingness and the margins.

Direction: Ermina Kyriazi – Giorgos Ninios
Performance: Giorgos Ninios
Music and Lyrics: Giorgos Ninios
Scenographic Idea: Ermina Kyriazi
Puppet Construction: Vasilis Vasilakis
Lighting Design: Vasilis Peteinaris
Assistant Director and Puppet Handler: Georgia Manelidou
Photography: Dimitris Vattis
Match Commentary: Christos Kyriazis
Production: Politismos Stathmos Theatre

Ticket Prices:
€14 General Admission
€12 Student, Unemployed, Disabled, Seniors 65+

Ticket pre-sale daily from Friday, 22nd March, 11:00 – 14:00 & 18:00 – 20:00, at the Kavala Municipality Visitors’ Information Centre (former EOT) in the Central Square, tel: 2510-620566.

Online Presale:

“Cheetah. The goalkeeper’s solitude”
Friday, 29th March |21:00|
Saturday, 30th March |18.00 & 21:00|
Sunday, 31st March |20:00|
Antigone Valakou Theatre

For more information and reservations, you can call the Municipal and Regional Theatre of Kavala at 2510 220876 – 7 (09:00-14:00).

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